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Sunday, May 15, 2011

knotts berry farm map

knotts berry farm map. knotts berry farm map 2009.
  • knotts berry farm map 2009.

  • soundbwoy
    Apr 27, 10:54 AM
    Is it me or are there more idiots about. Damn it people, leave the damn tracking contro alone if I lose my phone, I want to be able to find. I'm so not in the mood to spend $600 again.

    knotts berry farm map. Knott#39;s Berry Farm
  • Knott#39;s Berry Farm

  • Zadillo
    Aug 7, 09:35 PM
    This preview of Leopard seemed really like a glaze over of some "fun" little advancements, it did not look polished at all...to all those dissapointed in what leopard has to offer, not to be punny, but steve has barely let the cat out of the bag

    tonne more to come

    I don't know, I thought Spaces and Time Machine looked very polished, personally. Spaces in particular is one of those things that I actually think will be genuinely useful (like Expose before it), and I like that it seems to be an even more useful implementation of the virtual desktops concept than what I've seen in Linux.

    knotts berry farm map. knotts berry farm map 2009.
  • knotts berry farm map 2009.

  • M-O
    Apr 25, 01:35 PM
    wow, this has officially been blown out of proportion!

    knotts berry farm map. knotts berry farm map 2009.
  • knotts berry farm map 2009.

  • rangrbob
    Jun 22, 07:08 PM
    The Radio Shack in my city just received their pre-order shipment. They got 2. They had a total of 6 pre-orders.

    knotts berry farm map. knotts berry farm map 2009.
  • knotts berry farm map 2009.

  • barkmonster
    Apr 11, 12:59 PM
    My iPhone contract is up on the 5th of November so I'm hoping for 3 things in the next one:

    64Gb (or 48Gb at a push), I listen to a LOT of DJ sets off sound cloud and hybridized so 32Gb isn't so much really.

    WAY better battery life

    WAY better signal strength

    knotts berry farm map. Knott#39;s Berry Farm : Map (The
  • Knott#39;s Berry Farm : Map (The

  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 26, 07:40 PM
    I'm sure the GPU will also be bumped, at the very least. The MBP will probably also see some things that the MB has like a user-removable hard drive and magnetic latch. The CPU and GPU alone make it worth getting the new one, IMO.

    Also, I'll say it one last time (yea right) - the imac should not and will not get a mobile processor. It only got Yonah because there was no alternative. It had a real desktop processor when one was available on the PPC side (G5), and it will have a real desktop processor now that one is available on the intel side (Conroe). Leave merom for what it was meant for - laptops.

    I agree with you wholeheartedly.

    But, I guess they COULD have put a pentium d in them...didnt they have dual cores?

    knotts berry farm map. knotts berry farm map of park.
  • knotts berry farm map of park.

  • deedas
    Apr 6, 02:10 PM
    I didn't go through all the pages of replies, but in case some one hasn't corrected them yet, the bus speed of the 13" is 1066mhz.

    knotts berry farm map. Knott#39;s Berry Farm • a
  • Knott#39;s Berry Farm • a

  • cgmpowers
    Aug 7, 04:23 PM
    Microsoft officially CANNED Virtual PC... Apple's been giving accolades to Boot Camp and Paralles.. The 'ribbing of so-called "Vista 2.0" on the banner'..

    It's obviously not such a secret after all that MS apps will eventually be allowed to run ontop of OS X withouth ever installing a Windows operating system..

    My bets are on some kind of Boot Camp-ish feature that will allow for native installation of Windows applications -- without Windows -- right into OS X. It would obliterate the need for applications to be written for both Windows and Mac.

    <ducks and waits for flamers to whine about how impossible this is>

    knotts berry farm map. knotts berry farm map of park.
  • knotts berry farm map of park.

  • generik
    Sep 19, 12:24 AM
    This update better be bitchin!

    I think when the update reveals itself to be.... just a mere processor swop the moans to the high heavens would be deafening!

    Any likelihood that we will see a new case design at MWSF perchance? :rolleyes:

    knotts berry farm map. knotts berry farm map 2009. at
  • knotts berry farm map 2009. at

  • gregarious119
    Jul 14, 02:34 PM
    To charge $1800 for a system that only has 512MB is a real disappoitment. 1GB RAM oughta be standard, especially with Leopard being on the horizon.

    Unless the Xeon is that expensive (which I can't see how it would be), I don't see that as anything except creating some seperation between the configurations.

    knotts berry farm map. knotts berry farm map 2009. at
  • knotts berry farm map 2009. at

  • cmaier
    Apr 20, 01:42 PM
    Which tells me somebody botched it. Does it impact damage claims if Samsung decides to present one model that doesn't bear any ressemblance to the iPhone like the ones depicted above ?

    Or can Apple amend to add specifity to the claim.

    They don't need to amend. This is a federal pleading so the standard is whether it puts Samsung on notice. This is a different standard than state courts, where they would have to be much more specific. Eventually they will have to prove which models are accused. Looks to me like the complaint is fine.

    knotts berry farm map. knotts berry farm map 2009.
  • knotts berry farm map 2009.

  • FreeState
    Mar 1, 06:56 PM
    But they are treated equal, any gay man can marry a woman and any lesbian woman can marry a man just as any heterosexual man can marry a woman and any heterosexual woman can marry a man.

    This argument sounds familiar... oh wait, thats because it was used to justify bans on interracial marriage (They have the same right to marry someone in their own race). The courts did not look to fondly on that.

    Your argument is basically, everyone has the right to act how I believe, so they have equal rights. Its absurd to its core.

    knotts berry farm map. knotts berry farm map of park.
  • knotts berry farm map of park.

  • dejo
    Aug 7, 06:51 PM
    Would Dashcode be considered part of the "Enhanced Dashboard" choice?

    knotts berry farm map. Location of Knotts Berry Farm
  • Location of Knotts Berry Farm

  • Cougarcat
    Mar 26, 06:12 PM
    The new Launcher is just one of those eye-candy apps. It'll be the first thing I delete.

    Except that you can't delete it. In the beta, at least. It's hard-coded in the dock.

    knotts berry farm map. Knotts Berry Farm Map 2009
  • Knotts Berry Farm Map 2009

  • Unspeaked
    Nov 29, 11:01 AM
    To those saying they'll boycott, I'd just like to point out...

    ...Universal is by far the largest record label in the world, and those of you that say you don't listen to anyone of their artists might need to dig deeper into their subsidiaries, as just a few of the musicians in their stable are:

    The Carpenters
    Jimi Hendrix
    Carole King
    Andrea Bocell
    Four Tops
    Lionel Richie
    Cat Stevens
    The Jackson 5
    The Andrews Sisters

    knotts berry farm map. Knott#39;s Berry Farm,
  • Knott#39;s Berry Farm,

  • diamornte
    Apr 9, 02:23 AM
    However...most, if not ALL of the pros I know that have been using FCP continue to do so....and there are more motion pictures, BIG ones...this year, edited on FCP than I can remember in years past. Pulling this BS out of your arse is crap. The iToy phenomenon, in my very humble opinion will actually HELP the Pro Apps...as Apple is making more money than EVER!!! This will afford them the expertise they need to develop the pro apps...more so than they've ever been able to do in the past. Keep in mind...for these iToys to be great, they need content....and again, IMHO...I think Apple knows this, and would be happy if every app, movie, song, etc...that resides in iTunes, Mac Store, App Store, etc....was created WITH their soft/hardware as well. Again, just my opinion....Apple won't shoot themselves and the entire creative community in the foot....just when they've becoming the HIGHEST gaining computer sales platform in the world!!! They're selling more computers (MB, MBP, MBair, MP, iMacs) then EVER...and I attribute that somewhat to the excellent user experience so many folks have had with their "iToys". You gotta figure some of those folks will be "Pro" creative guys. And enticed they will be (my Yoda impersonation) by the hardware and software that Apple offers....so if anything, there is Growth in the Pro sector...hardware and software both. NOT a mass exodus. Again...if you truly have proof that "All those Pros have already left Mac"...I'm all ears. If anything, they've made significant gains. Hence the reason AVID has DECREASED their pricing from the astronomical rates it used to cost...and the proprietary rigs you had to have to run the program.

    Final Cut jobs tend to pay less than Avid jobs.

    knotts berry farm map. Knott#39;s Berry Farm : Map (The
  • Knott#39;s Berry Farm : Map (The

  • AZREOSpecialist
    Apr 11, 12:16 PM
    80%* of potential purchasers won't have access to LTE for at least another year from then. Given that 3G was added only after it was widely available, why would Apple take such a risk with the huge numbers of June/July iPhone users coming to the end of their contracts for such a minority market?

    [*made up statistic, but I bet it's not far wrong! :D ]

    Because this isn't the same market when Apple first introduced the iPhone and then, later, the 3G version. There is a lot more competition now and intense pressure on Apple to stay ahead of the curve. That absolutely means getting the newest, bleeding edge technology into the iPhone before the competition.

    knotts berry farm map. knotts berry farm map 2009.
  • knotts berry farm map 2009.

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 27, 10:40 AM
    I'm a little confused at the magnitude of people's reaction here.

    It's Apple. If Apple does something, it's the end of the world. If everyone else does something similar, *shrug*

    Apple does well in the market place, so it behooves the tech media to attack Apple as often as their partners wish them to. Standard PR tactics.

    knotts berry farm map. knotts berry farm map 2011.
  • knotts berry farm map 2011.

  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 11:56 AM
    I'm not a birther. But I would love to know why the certificate looks new when the president is nearly 50. Now I'm about five months older than he, my original birth certificate has faded. The certificate he produced clearly isn't the original. Or if it is the original, it's astoundingly well-preserved.

    But you're not a birther or anything. Here we go with more stupid crap, while the country has far bigger issues.


    More like plain old generic morons. I have NO IDEA why Obama would cave like this....

    To get idiots like Trump to shut the hell up.

    Aug 15, 01:00 PM
    I would have thought that the Final Cut Pro benchmark would have really blown away the G5 - not so much, right?

    I couldn't say for sure, but I would guess that the current version of FCP was carefully optimized for the G5, and has not yet undergone the same treatment for Intel chips.

    Apr 25, 03:18 PM
    So an old post says apple is exploiting them and you imply I said that then? I said on numerous occasions clearly that this is not about Apple using this data. Interesting way to quote posts you have there:rolleyes:

    Now I'm confused - YOU quote MY post replying to someone suggesting exactly that Apple is exploiting customers through this, and now I'm selectively quoting you?

    Though I am skeptical, to say the least, of YOUR point as well, it's not nearly as ridiculous as the people who DO claim Apple is trying to get people.

    Apr 10, 09:28 PM
    Well, yeah, it will probably make more people happy, but it will be fun to see all the people bitching and moaning around here.
    If I think the new FCP sucks I'll be b*tching and moaning too. ;)

    Okay, okay, so they have done NAB (they've never done AES, though, that I'm certain). But still: They pulled out of everything in the last couple years. Why come back to NAB? Why not just do a small-scale announcement outside of NAB's timeframe so as to maximize press?

    Apple was at the SuperMeet last year but it was totally forgettable. Adobe and Avid blew them out of the water. Why not do it at NAB when the entire industry is focused on what's happening there? All the industry press is at NAB and a ton of your target demo, especially the people that can best 'evangelize' your product, is there as well.

    Was the supermeet focused on something else at one point? Because otherwise that sounds a little hard to believe that a usergroup would exist for a product that wasn't out yet...
    Not to mention it's the 10th anniversary of the Supermeet and FCP debuted in '99.


    Jul 14, 03:55 PM
    So why use woodcrest WITHOUT dual processor configuration? Makes no sense, any single proc models should be conroe.
    4M of L2 cache is another good reason. According to recent reports, only the "extreme edition" of the Core 2 (aka Conroe) chip will have 4M. And it will cost more than Woodcrest.
    Macs have ALREADY had two optical bays (including twin CD drives). And none of these configs include two drives, you'd only have a second one if you wanted it.
    Where have you been shopping recently? Only one model PowerMac has ever had two optical drive bay.

    The MDD G4 PowerMac towers (August 2002-June 2004) have two optical drive bays. The G4 PowerMacs that came before only have one (the lower bay is only big enough for floppy-size devices, like zip drives.) The G5 PowerMacs only have one externally-accessible bay of any size.

    I would love the ability to install two optical drives, but your claim that Apple is currently shipping this somewhere is simply not true.

    Apr 5, 08:12 PM
    Nobody's using Blu-Ray, in my experience.

    There is a whole thread about that, though. Don't read it.

    Perhaps a little hasty of me, I was simply meant to say that in my experience I've not ever been required to deliver anything on Blu-Ray, and that to my mind it was a purely consumer format.

    I've been to quite a few film festivals that take entries on Blu-Ray.

    Apple has two mountains to climb: 1) to keep up with their competition where they used to lead. (2) They have to convince users that the mac as a pro platform is a good investment.

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