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Sunday, May 15, 2011

east asia map physical

east asia map physical. +east+asia+political+map
  • +east+asia+political+map

  • Nuks
    Aug 26, 06:31 PM
    Can someone briefly explain the huge benefits of Santa Rosa (in layman's terms) or post a link to a thread/description of it?

    Much thanks.

    east asia map physical. world, South
  • world, South

  • gallinger
    Sep 13, 10:27 AM
    does anyone know how much the clovertown chips are going to be?

    east asia map physical. East Asia
  • East Asia

  • Unspeaked
    Nov 29, 11:10 AM
    You posted a list of artist people will start to illegally copy if Universal starts to tax iPods....

    Hey, what they do with the list is their business...

    All I was doing was letting the thread know the breadth of Universal's stable!


    east asia map physical. This map of South East Asia
  • This map of South East Asia

  • BlondeBuddhist
    Jun 10, 12:37 PM
    When I talked to the rep at The Shack 2 days ago he told me to keep checking back for what time they'll be open on launch day. He said there is a good chance I'll know when I pre-orer the 15th.

    As far as how many non pre-order phones they plan to have, he told me they will likely have as many stock phones as they get pre-ordered. Doesn't apply to those pre-ordering as much as those hitting up RS for shorter lines that didn't pre-order.

    I wonder if they will allow me to pay in full on the 15th as oppose to the $50 down payment. Either way I hope this helps Radio Shack out. I have been treated 100X better by the staff there compared to Best Buy OR AT&T. Plus they're prices seem better. When I was there asking about the pre-orders I purchased a car charger/cord to plug my ipod in to the glove box that runs thru the deck for only $37 with tax.

    Blonde Buddhist

    east asia map physical. east asia physical map,
  • east asia physical map,

  • bryanc
    Aug 11, 10:52 AM
    I'm stuck in a contract for another year, so I'll be watching to see how this pans out. Hopefully, I'll be able to jump on a Rev B without reservations.

    Given Apple's patent on the click-wheel interface, what do you think the likelihood of a virtual rotary phone interface? There are plenty of people who are now adults who've never 'dialled' a phone. It would be really slick if Apple could find a way for all of us old-farts to re-activiate our kinaesthetic memories and dial up and old friend using the click wheel on our new iPhones.


    east asia map physical. East Asia Map Blank (Xlarge
  • East Asia Map Blank (Xlarge

  • aohus
    Apr 19, 02:35 PM
    WRONG. A lot of modern GUI elements are INVENTED by Apple:


    WRONG! They weren't invented at Apple's Cupertino HQ, they were invented back in Palo Alto (Xerox PARC).

    Secondly, your source is a pro-Apple website. Thats a problem right there.

    I'll give you a proper source, the NYTimes (http://www.nytimes.com/1989/12/20/business/xerox-vs-apple-standard-dashboard-is-at-issue.html), which wrote an article on Xerox vs Apple back in 1989, untarnished, in its raw form. Your 'source' was cherry picking data.

    Here is one excerpt.

    Then Apple CEO John Sculley stated:
    Apple may face special problems because of admissions made by its chairman, John Sculley, in his 1987 book, ''Odyssey,'' a chronicle of his split with Apple's co-founder, Steven P. Jobs. ''Much of the Macintosh technology wasn't invented in the building,'' he wrote. ''Indeed, the Mac, like the Lisa before it, was largely a conduit for technology developed'' at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center.
    ^^ thats a GLARING admission, by the CEO of Apple, don't you think? Nevertheless, Xerox ended up losing that lawsuit, with some saying that by the time they filed that lawsuit it was too late. The lawsuit wasn't thrown out because they didn't have a strong case against Apple, but because of how the lawsuit was presented as is at the time.

    I'm not saying that Apple stole IP from Xerox, but what I am saying is that its quite disappointing to see Apple fanboys trying to distort the past into making it seem as though Apple created the first GUI, when that is CLEARLY not the case. The GUI had its roots in Xerox PARC. That, is a FACT.


    east asia map physical. East asia physical map this
  • East asia physical map this

  • rooah1
    Apr 7, 10:28 PM
    These BB guys were making some odd and strange excuses for low stock. Made me run around on many occasions. They shouldn't be allowed to sell iPad. Apple take them away from these jack**s. :mad: You deserve it!!!!

    east asia map physical. Asia,physical map
  • Asia,physical map

  • milo
    Jul 27, 11:42 AM
    honestly, right now i do not believe the power differential to be worth it. it would be better to wait for chips with a larger speed differential.

    Based on current pricing, the only upgrade that is really appealing right now is Core Solo mini to merom.

    east asia map physical. east asia physical map,
  • east asia physical map,

  • princealfie
    Nov 29, 08:58 AM
    Time for Apple to change the paradigm again. I think it's time for Apple to start putting together a music production house. Offer musicians the ability to go direct to iTunes with all the marketing necessary to promote their catalogs. I'm not very familiar with the music industry, but I "think" Apple is quite prepared to create their own studios, handle their own promotion/marketing and already have a HIGHLY efficient distribution system in place. Granted, they are not supposed to be creating music according to their Apple Music agreement, but if they just bought Apple Music outright it would make a great fit, eh?


    Perhaps we need to have a iTube website eh?

    east asia map physical. Central+and+east+asia+physical+map
  • Central+and+east+asia+physical+map

  • CaoCao
    Feb 28, 08:25 PM
    It matters that you describe it as fornication.

    What has this dubious claim to do with anything? :confused:
    No it doesn't, not when people brag about how much they sleep around

    Your link supports the idea that Greek society supported pederasty. If they have such a failing what is to say they don't have other failings
    He's trying to equate in our minds homosexuality, rape, and pedophilia.

    rape and paedophilia both involve lack of consent. Although paedophilia has to do with that the mind is attracted to pre-pubescent children in the same way that homosexuality causes attraction to the same sex. Both cases are untreatable.

    east asia map physical. Blank Map: East Asia
  • Blank Map: East Asia

  • Sydde
    Mar 21, 01:28 PM
    Not that they're absolutely mutually exclusive, but I'm curious--how do you reconcile the first statement with the latter two?

    It is in fact somewhat problematic. At present, the government is basically run by moneyed interests that supply the funding needed for the candidates to get into office (so that they can shower favours upon their benefactors and sponsors). This is the sixth check/balance, which was not literally codified but has become standard via legal precedent. Those of us who feel that real change is called for still support the (p)resident because he is the one least likely to enact tragic "progress". The system is, nonetheless, dreadfully broken. The idiots that I hold in serious contention are either marginalized into submission or holding seats of power, a situation that serves only to amplify our division, to our detriment.

    east asia map physical. Map, Political Map of Central
  • Map, Political Map of Central

  • NickPill
    Aug 7, 11:56 PM
    It's not yet available to ADC Select/Premier members that didn't go to todays keynote.

    I'd kinda like to know myself since I couldn't attend.

    Thanks for the info. But I can�t believe Apple will not offer 10.5 for downloading. It sounded like that every ADC Select and Premier member would get a copy immediately... Too bad I couldn�t make it this year to the WWDC.

    east asia map physical. LARGE PHYSICAL MAP OF ASIA

  • rtdunham
    Aug 27, 09:15 AM
    I believe the 2.33 GHz Merom chip debuted at the same price as the 2.16 GHz Yonah when it was released. The prices of MBPs certainly haven't fallen. Apple has just been enjoying the extra profits from Intel's price drops of the past few months.

    good information, logical thought.

    do you think apple's $100M payoff to Creative*, and possible need to restate financial information for recent quarters/years because of questionable executive compensation, make the company more reluctant than might otherwise have been the case to intro new chips that are, in the beginning more costly and thus will reduce profits?

    *--i know, i know, it's only 1% of apple's cash reserves. But that's not meaningless money: trust me, companies make plenty of strategic decisions that affect their products' features, support quality, whatever, over amounts far less than $100M.

    east asia map physical. print this South-east asia
  • print this South-east asia

  • aohus
    Apr 19, 02:44 PM
    Who said Apple created the first GUI.

    Jobs himself credits Xerox for their GUI. :rolleyes:

    well, it looks as though a lot of users here still believe that Apple is the father of the GUI, when its clearly not.

    east asia map physical. Physical map of Central Asia
  • Physical map of Central Asia

  • aafuss1
    Aug 5, 10:56 PM
    To me the answer to the whole IR/Mac Pro/Front Row thing is obvious - put an integrated IR receiver into the keyboard. The keyboard would come with the Mac Pro (unlike the display) and is rarely under the desk. :)

    Plus they could sell the keyboard for any Mac (including ones that don't have Front Row - they could include the app with it).

    A redesigned keyboard-should come in Mac Pro and white colors

    east asia map physical. Offers an insight into the physical south-east asia political Resources outline map asia wait a right
  • Offers an insight into the physical south-east asia political Resources outline map asia wait a right

  • greenstork
    Jul 31, 12:08 PM
    Of course, the problem with waiting until Paris for consumer upgrades like MacBook is that Apple will entirely miss the educational buying season, losing one of the largest markets for its consumer products...

    Why would Apple miss the educational buying season? They just released a brand new educational iMac (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/07/20060712164540.shtml) this month. eMacs don't need or want the latest and greatest, fastest chips, they need the most bang for their buck. I believe that the $899 educational iMac fits that description to the letter.

    east asia map physical. east asia physical map,
  • east asia physical map,

  • HyperZboy
    Apr 27, 09:16 AM
    I know of no cell tower or wifi device that works up to 100 miles away.

    Ok, nobody jumped on this comment so I'll answer it.

    Obviously, the location tracking data is logging locations from within 100 miles of your home location, assuming you might travel 100 miles away.

    Oh somebody beat me, nevermind. LOL

    east asia map physical. Physical Map of Southeast Asia
  • Physical Map of Southeast Asia

  • ClimbingTheLog
    Jul 20, 12:56 PM
    Anyone else think this is getting out of hand? Two cores, great improvement. Four cores, ehh it's faster but Joe can't tell. Eight cores, now thats just stupid.
    Let me guess it will only come with 512mb of Ram :p (ok it will be at least a GB).

    Have you ever owned a machine that hasn't been CPU bound? I know I haven't.

    you need to do your math better, extra core = 1.5x - 1.8x speed increase. but still the same power usage as a normal core!

    Where do you get these magical free electrons to drive the second core? That's some fancy silicon that uses 0W.

    eight cores + Tiger = Octopussy?!?

    Even Apple isn't that cool. Alas, I fear "Mac Pro 8x3.2"

    How fast do you want mail to go? The main reasons you need good processors is not for browsing, e-mail, text, and such and such. I highly doubt someone who does all these things on a five year old computer will be much slower than someone on a 16 GB RAM top of the line Powermac

    Have you ever done a search on a large volume of mail with AppleMail? That can eat my CPU for hours on a large IMAP mailstore on a 1.5 year old Mac. How about using Firefox with a number of useful extensions? CPU pegged for minutes when loading up the day's news stories from my RSS reader, and that's with a 2-year old Mac.

    Bring the speed.

    east asia map physical. Line Map: East Asia
  • Line Map: East Asia

  • Popeye206
    Apr 11, 06:16 PM
    Why do most iPhone threads have to turn into a Android vs iPhone thread?

    Honestly, if the notification system and differences in multi-tasking is all you can hang your hat on... I'd say why change? Those are OS things that will and can change in iOS. But show me one Android based smart phone with a retina like display? Show me one that the manufacture will keep you up-to-date with the latest Android OS? Oh... that's right... they don't do they? Or not at least very fast because once a new OS is out, then it's up to Moto or HTC or whoever to update the new Android OS for your model of phone and hopefully it hasn't been put in the done pile yet because a newer model is out. Oh... one last thing... how's customer service over at the Moto store?

    Okay... so there's my rebuttal to all that foolishness. Really... I don't care. If you like your Android phones fine. This is an Apple site and whining about "the outdated notification system" is old. Besides... this thread is about the iPhone 5 hardware... not the OS. I'm still working on the assumption we're going to hear about iOS5 at the WDC and there's a good chance iOS5 will one-up the game again with no change to the hardware.

    Okay... I'm done playing fan boy and ranting. :p

    Bill McEnaney
    Mar 3, 01:11 PM
    Fair enough. Now let's move along. ;)
    You guys move on without me, please. I regret that I posted to this thread, because I said I wanted to post about technical topics only. It's best for me to post where I can do plenty of good. So I'll go back to the Mac Programming forum where I won't react emotionally.

    Apr 12, 01:05 PM
    Good for you ;)

    Used to be like that for me but on the projects I work on everybody's gone crazy over DSLRs so I'm stuck with converting.

    I know. I'm lucky that I don't have to deal with that. That's what I mean by different people, different workflows. If I had to work with the DSLR workflow, it would drive me crazy. Dealing with source files, converting, proxies, offline, online.

    One thing I have never had to deal with in FCP is having an offline/online workflow. It's saved me a lot of headaches I used to have to deal with in Avid. Not that Avid was bad, but capturing once is always easier than twice.

    Nov 28, 08:17 PM
    well their not getting a dollar from my sale cause i don't plan on buying an ipod for a while :D :rolleyes:

    how many ipods does apple sell a year..times a crap load of money

    Mar 17, 11:36 AM
    How many times did Barack Obama attempt to draw a difference between himself and Hillary by saying "I was against the war from the beginning."? Lots.

    Being against a specific military action doesn't make one a military dove.

    I see you included lots of "lots" but no "links". I'm sorry, but mere rhetoric only goes so far in this forum. If there are so many instances that prove your point, why haven't you actually produced them?

    Jun 14, 06:12 PM

    No white phone?

    Can you verify bibbz?

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