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Friday, May 13, 2011

dollar bill back side

dollar bill back side. Take out a one dollar bill,
  • Take out a one dollar bill,

  • hobo.hopkins
    Mar 29, 04:34 PM
    Thousands of people are dying in Japan and all you idiots care about is iPod Touch batteries? That's kind of... selfish.

    How dare people think of themselves in any way when something bad has occurred in the world. People in Darfur have been dying for quite some time now and I haven't thought of myself or my interests once since conflicts began. That's what a good person does.

    Do you see how ridiculous you're being? There is no reason a person can't be concerned with supply shortages AND the Japanese people. They aren't mutually exclusive. Moreover, if you follow your flawed logic then no one could ever do anything for themselves. Horrific events happen everyday worldwide; tragedies can't stop us from living.

    dollar bill back side. Dollar Bill. The Back Side of
  • Dollar Bill. The Back Side of

  • Jape
    Dec 3, 08:35 PM
    What do you guys think, should we wait or go ahead and buy from somewhere else. Or just wait fo Magellans car kit?

    dollar bill back side. Dollar Bill. The Back Side of
  • Dollar Bill. The Back Side of

  • teme
    Jul 21, 02:48 PM
    About MacBook... when Merom is released, Yonah's price will drop. That would help Apple to make a

    dollar bill back side. Kill Bill. Vintage Quentin.
  • Kill Bill. Vintage Quentin.

  • whenpaulsparks
    Aug 2, 11:13 AM
    finally someone reasonable! so many of you flippin fools don't realize what WWDC stands for...

    World wide DEVELOPER'S conference!

    this is about professional stuff. in they launched the powermac g5, because developers could then write 64-bit apps. in they discussed tiger (and i think launched new pro displays) so that users could write stuff using core image and all the cool new tiger features. in they announced the transition to intel, because devs could now write stuff for the intel platform (and i don't think they really announced anything else AFAICR...). so in they are going to talk about leopard and how it relates to developers, and maybe release PROFESSIONAL products, like a mac pro or xserve.

    you have got to be CRAZY to think that he's going to intro an ipod at WWDC, when MW Paris is right around the corner! MW Paris in september is pretty much ALWAYS when they intro ipods and consumer products this time of year.

    edit: last year, they had a special media event around october to intro the imac g5 with isight and video ipod and did not have anything at MW Paris. this will probably be the same this year.

    dollar bill back side. 50 Dollar bill, ackside
  • 50 Dollar bill, ackside

  • Don't panic
    May 4, 01:50 PM
    I would suggest that we always move forward. I think going backwards is only something worth considering IF am adventurer sustains significant injury and we had JUST left a room w an unused healing potion / talisman / chingas. Why give mscriv the opportunity to seed traps behind us?

    well, we left two doors unopened in the initial room, so going back to the start room and look what's there, is a way to 'move forward'. besides, mscriv can put the trap/monster in the room in front too.
    (and apparently you cannot use potions 'later')

    do we agree on exploring this room now?

    dollar bill back side. 1979 15 dollar bill, ack side
  • 1979 15 dollar bill, ack side

  • GeekLawyer
    Apr 18, 03:18 PM
    If Apple cannot beat them....they sue them.Why not, as in this case, do both?

    Apple can beat them in the market; they can beat them in the courtroom.

    dollar bill back side. side some Of dollar bill
  • side some Of dollar bill

  • PBF
    Apr 20, 12:24 AM
    So, how many more times are various sources gonna reiterate that iPhone 5 is to come out in Fall? :rolleyes:

    dollar bill back side. 50+dollar+ill+ack
  • 50+dollar+ill+ack

  • zac4mac
    Jul 21, 02:42 PM
    On one hand I'm bummed that new chips are hitting the street so quickly, and my expensive(Read - still paying for it) MBP is no longer top-line. It's still as blindingly fast as it was day1 and winter's just around the corner. Got my lap heater and it'll be paid for by then.

    dollar bill back side. 50+dollar+ill+ack
  • 50+dollar+ill+ack

  • iHotu
    Aug 7, 05:00 PM
    I bet they will still have a nice selection

    dollar bill back side. the ack side has a stamp
  • the ack side has a stamp

  • iJawn108
    Sep 15, 10:16 PM
    New macbook pros will be made of tungsten maybe? :p

    dollar bill back side. Million Dollar Bill With
  • Million Dollar Bill With

  • The Norman
    Mar 29, 11:13 AM
    Streaming aside, I like how my kindle books sync to ALL of my devices from Amazon's cloud. Obviously DRM is annoying, but this seems to be a cool direction to go in for other media as well. Add streaming for music (maybe video) and it is perfect. You can download or stream anything you own. Have Apple implement the end user GUI app and we're set. You are all right to point out the impending data transfer price hell coming from our wireless carriers.

    dollar bill back side. 100+dollar+ill+ack+side
  • 100+dollar+ill+ack+side

  • logandzwon
    Mar 29, 09:46 AM
    I seem to remember the "backing up your library" to the "cloud" was tried by someone before. They had software that scanned the CD in your drive and then either ripped it to their servers, or just unlocked access to that album in your account. RIAA brought them down. This seems a little different, and highly wasteful of space. If 500 people upload a copy of "whatever," Amazon has to store 500x the space of "whatever," rather then just unlocking one copy for 500x people. Keep in mind 1 meg of cloud space is easily over 10 megs of physical storage. (RAID, redundancy, geographical peers, backups, etc...)

    Amazon... not sure what to make them. They seem to be doing things which obviously will get them sued. I guess they figure if any ONE takes off they will make bank. Either way, I'm excited about this because Apple is great at being the best. The better the competition, the better the Apple product.

    dollar bill back side. Then roll it ack and forth in
  • Then roll it ack and forth in

  • glowingstar
    Nov 22, 02:56 AM
    HEY! who's he calling a "PC guy"??! :mad:

    dollar bill back side. 1979 50 dollar bill, ack side
  • 1979 50 dollar bill, ack side

  • iApples
    Mar 26, 10:20 PM
    I didnt realize a release date was set:cool:

    Neither did I :P

    dollar bill back side. new 100 dollar bill back.
  • new 100 dollar bill back.

  • chaoticbear
    Apr 11, 08:29 AM
    I've read 2 pages, and that's 2 pages more than I should. I can't parse this in any way other than to answer it as 2; I agree that it is written ambiguously - while a calculator is cold and impersonal, I see it as a numerator of 48 and a denominator of 2(9+3). It's not the 2 camp doing multiplication before division out of some misunderstand of how order of operations works, it's us completing all the operations in the denominator before we solve the fraction. I assume any time I see a division symbol that it takes the place of a bar in traditional handwriting.

    Unfortunately, there's not any way to express this clearly in a single line without some more parentheses. If you presented me with the expression "a/b(c+d)" in any form, I'd parse it the same way every time. If you are intending for the problem to read in such a way to get 288, I'd expect to see "(a/b)(c+d)".

    dollar bill back side. 20+dollar+ill+ack+side
  • 20+dollar+ill+ack+side

  • islanders
    Jul 21, 10:00 PM
    Can someone tell me the advantages of the Merom chip?

    More Speed? Less Heat? Improved battery performance?

    And I�ll tell you what will happen at MWDC. ;)

    dollar bill back side. US Dollar Bill - ack side
  • US Dollar Bill - ack side

  • tom5304
    May 7, 04:44 PM
    Oh and a two letter email address is priceless.

    Yes, because typing "gmail.com" is so exhausting. :D

    dollar bill back side. The ack side of the five
  • The ack side of the five

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 16, 05:47 PM
    I'll guess 12", 15" and 17". I read somewhere they're expecting a 12".

    The 12" is a unverified rumor to be taken with a large grain of salt at this point. I would think they would just soup up a MB and sell it as a MBP before they made a 12" again. Of course, you never know with apple.

    dollar bill back side. $1 legal tender note,
  • $1 legal tender note,

  • Multimedia
    Aug 3, 08:51 AM
    I'm expecting to get frustrated with the quality of streamed video of the keynote. Yes Steve, I am sure that it is "cool stuff", but it all looks like frog spawn to me!Lately the stream has been from an HD source and looks excellent. I'm afraid your expectations will not be realized. :) You understand it will not be live and post produced for optimum quality.

    Sep 11, 02:21 PM
    What we will get:

    Movie service with 320x240 movies, Airport Express AV with compostie and s-video only.


    Extremely unlikely. Or i`d say it`s impossible. We`ll definitely get DVD quality(atleast as an option). But my guesses are 720p will also be offered to those with a really really FAT internet pipe. Fat enough to fill a human body I guess:D .

    I really think Apple will offer atleast 3 resolutions ie QVGA, DVD and(crossing fingers) HD 720p(may be at an extra cost and limited in number of available titles). Apple needs to do something which will set them apart from Amazon. I`ll be really disappointed if all we get is the same as Amazon.

    Apr 22, 12:24 PM
    Go back and read my post please...thoroughly.

    I am referring to the wider market. Sure, you manage 600+ Mac workstations. But on the grand scale of things, thats not worth anything to Apple.

    Put it this way:

    Why spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on redevelopment for an audience of, lets say 50,000 customers when you can spend the same amount on an audience of 1million+ customers. See my point? The server market for Apple is clearly not worth it. Yes, it sucks big time for people like yourself who rely on it, but at the end of the day Apple will focus on products that bring in cash, not products that break even at best.

    Have you ever heard the phrase "all your eggs in one basket"? Diversification at Apple is very needed at the moment. Half of their profit comes from the sale of one device. Say that the iPhone 6 was a flop, imagine having to tell your investors you're losing 50% projected profit nearly overnight. Something like that can crush a company. You want diversification, and apple has the resources currently to really invest in some fairly stable markets such as enterprise. Currently their inroads are IOS in the enterprise, if they can leverage that to sell servers for management it will feed back on itself and support more mutual growth between mac and iOS in these coveted markets. Apple should have struck harder in this area during the vista debacle, but their mac team brushed off the opportunity.

    A machine like this with dual purposes is a godsend for us. It means apple only needs production lines for one case, and we get a more flexible server and workstation in one. True hot swap bays on a mac?! F-yeah! I can convince my clients to hook up a rackmount mac pro server in their data center or server closet. LOM is nice, but I don't think it's going to be a make or break deal in most businesses. I don't see why it either couldn't be an optional module with the Server preconfig, or on all of them with the prices apple charges.

    The server market is the backbone of the business market. Macs will be niche in enterprise as long as the backbone isn't there, and stronger than last time.

    Apr 18, 02:47 PM
    Has Apple targeted other 'tablet' makers?

    Wonder how long until they serve HP with a similar suit?

    Aug 7, 06:44 PM
    And it still doesn't run Adobe/Macromedia products. ;)

    Amen -- For me Adobe and Macromedia are huge apps -- I would never run them under Rosetta and chance my business to this setup.

    The Quad G5 is a great machine: worth the cash -- cheap RAM, native performance, 64-bit, good graphics, nice SATA and decent bus.

    Apr 14, 05:54 PM
    Or just treat all income as ordinary income and eliminate all the preferential treatment certain forms of income enjoy. Eliminate capital gain, business, gift and estate taxes, and treat all income from all sources as ordinary income and tax accordingly.

    I think that could be the easiest way to solve the problem simply, but it would also have to come with a vast elimination of deductions and exemptions.

    And we should, after an across the board cut, IMO.

    There are two big parts of the budget that are hard to cut though. Social Security and Medicare really can't be cut without raising the retirement age to 70 NOW and cutting benefits. I don't think that's going to happen.

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