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Saturday, May 14, 2011

derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout

derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. former girlfriend of Magic
  • former girlfriend of Magic

  • Multimedia
    Jul 21, 05:59 AM
    With all these new technologies with 4, 8 and eventually 24-core capacities (some time in the not too distant future) all running at 64-bit, we musn't forget that software also has tobe developed for these machienes in order to get the most out of the hardware. At the moment we aren't even maximising core-duo, let alone a quad core and all the rest!!!!

    Besides, for 90% of what non-pro users do, these advances will help very little. Internet will still run at the same spead and my ipod will still chug along with USB2 etc.

    Pros with pro apps acn rejoice, only if software keeps the pace!!!

    Let's hope so!!!Not exactly. Multiple cores is as much about multitasking multiple applications or multiple instances of the same application simultaneously as it is about running one or two that use all the cores. The OS X system delegates multicore use to some extent already. I'm sure that all the developers will be looking at how to use all the cores Intel can throw at them at this year's WWDC. :)

    I can tell you from experience that it is very easy to fill up four cores with work and max out what you can do simultaneously on the G5 Quad. So for those of us who do the kind of work that needs a lot of cores, 8 core Macs won't come soon enough.

    In this example, all of the applications are running slower than they would with 8 cores. They are already slowed down by virtue of only having 4 cores to work in. Both Toast 7 and Handbrake can use more than two cores for each instance. I sometimes run as many as three of each simultaneously. They each have to run dog slow in that circumstance due to lack of core volume. So 8 is a start. 16 would be much more helpful to me immediately.

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. Derrick+rose+girlfriend
  • Derrick+rose+girlfriend

  • Vulpinemac
    Apr 19, 09:07 PM
    Yes. People here are failing to understand the difference between traditional patents that we usually hear about here, and design patents. I believe what Apple is suing over is infringed design patents. That the Galaxy S has a icon grid method for selecting applications is irrelevant in that case. They tried to copy the general design and likeness of the iPhone, which is against the design patents.

    Also, whoever it was arguing it previously... Let's not trot out the whole "Apple lost the 'look and feel' argument against Microsoft" thing. That was a different case. Design patents still get filed and granted all the time. This is a new case.

    To clarify even farther, the Microsoft "look and feel" lawsuit was a Breach of Copyright suit that Apple lost, not a patent suit. Apple took to patenting their 'look and feel' in order to have a more solid foundation to base future lawsuits.

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. MediaTakeOut.com#39;s pals over
  • MediaTakeOut.com#39;s pals over

  • mdntcallr
    Sep 19, 10:00 AM
    Well, I've been on MacRumors since last week and I'm already tired of posts telling me what I really need. I don't recall seeing posts saying Yonah was crap. Most people just want to feel like they are making a good investment on an expensive piece of equipment that may be around for 3-4+ years. I would like a laptop with a 64-bit processor. Period. I don't care what you think I need. The problem with posts like this are that they waste my time, and the time of other users who are looking for information on the release of the new MBP models.

    I agree with your sentiments. While it is great to get steady advancements in the amount of say, 2x year refreshes. The performance difference between merom and yonah is an incremental upgrade. not a major big deal.

    you should be happy with the laptop you have. The chip has the power you need for now and the next several years.

    Personally for me though, I am still on my PB 1.25 alum, so i am very interested in good progress for the new MBP's, such as... larger hard drives 160 gb as BTO option, better ram pricing, better graphics cards, and options for killer graphics card, and... finally Blu-Ray drives.

    that and a Airplane/Auto Magsafe power adapter. dont you think that would be nice. it's been to long without it! cmon apple. build it!

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. derrick rose girlfriend
  • derrick rose girlfriend

  • blackcrayon
    Mar 22, 05:02 PM
    I can assure that doubling the 256MB of the first iPad is not enough for people that need a lot of multitask, like me.
    If you just can't recognize how multitask works better with 1GB RAM and true background apps (QNX, Honeycomb), then you deserve to use a limited thing like an iPad.

    I like products, not brands.

    Question: does anyone know if the A5 design could've fit 1 GB of RAM, or if anyone else is packaging more than 512 MB of RAM inside of their SoC? Just wondering, it may actually be a limitation of the A5's design(or at least one with a huge cost increase to overcome), but the other side is faster, lower latency memory. I don't know if Samsung will be using a similar design, but I don't think the Tegra 2 tablets have their memory "sandwiched" on top of the CPU cores, so to speak. Or maybe it makes no difference in the real world, guess I need an engineer to explain :)

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. Chicago Bulls Derrick Rose
  • Chicago Bulls Derrick Rose

  • BC2009
    Mar 22, 07:07 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Ummm.... why does every product have to be an "Apple iDevice Killer"? None have succeeded that yet, though many have been successful as competitors. The Apple jealousy factor is so huge.

    Meanwhile, Apple is drowning in orders and battling light leaks (http://www.electronista.com/articles/11/03/22/buyers.complain.of.multiple.faulty.replacements/) in displays. If the quality cannot be improved expeditiously, would-be customers may investigate the competition. :(

    Drowning in orders is a problem? Trying to imagine that. If they sell 2M iPad 2's in March that would be double what they did last year with their runaway success.

    I don't think they are drowning in "light leaks". Mine is fine, and I'm sure most units are. Many many LCDs leak some light on the edge. Certainly the video I saw of this on one particular iPad 2 was extremely pronounced, but I have owned many LCD monitors that leak light to some degree. The outcry is likely because there aren't that many units out there right now so folks are afraid to return it and be without it while waiting for an exchange.

    Anyway, I hope the competition flourishes. Sure Apple is innovating fast and furious right now, but that's because they want to own this market for a long time to come. I don't want them to dominate it so much that they become complacent (though I hope they will have learned from their past in that regard). Just because I prefer to use iPad doesn't mean I think everybody must and should -- to each his own. Obviously I think the iPad is better than the competition, so I bought one. Somebody else's choice to buy a different tablet won't validate or invalidate my choice of an iPad in any way.

    I'm cheering for Apple to produce better products that I am excited to own, but this is not a sporting competition where only one team can win. Eventually there will be 2 to 4 leaders in the tablet space. Samsung and RIM are both trying to ensure their place as one of those leaders (and so is Motorola). I would venture to say that none of them are thinking that they will "kill the iPad" which defined the market they are trying to compete in, but rather each of them wants to be the leading "other option" to an iPad and capture a good chunk of the growing tablet market.

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. guard Derrick Rose said he
  • guard Derrick Rose said he

  • rjlawrencejr
    Apr 8, 01:44 AM
    Can't you also get them from AT&T? Also, the Apple Store in Santa Monica never has a line for new iPhones or iPads for some reason. I guess they work fast?

    FYI, there was a line in Santa Monica this past Sunday morning http://t.co/EYgi3S6

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. LeBron James Admonishes Media
  • LeBron James Admonishes Media

  • CFreymarc
    Apr 12, 01:23 AM
    I hope not. I want the 5 now :)

    Correction, the iPhone 4G starts production in September.

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. derrick rose girlfriend,
  • derrick rose girlfriend,

  • Mr_Ed
    Jul 20, 08:39 AM
    I wonder what they're going to call them, Quad sounds cool but "Octa or Octo" just sounds a bit silly.


    The Mactopus??

    I got it!

    The Macintosh Quadra!

    No, wait . . . .

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. If she came here with that mess, she would get arrested! Derrick#39;s definitely a nice guy to date this Mieka girl. She#39;s supposed to be a stylist? aq4bav.jpg
  • If she came here with that mess, she would get arrested! Derrick#39;s definitely a nice guy to date this Mieka girl. She#39;s supposed to be a stylist? aq4bav.jpg

  • puckhead193
    Aug 6, 10:29 AM
    all i care about is an updated iMac...... i guess tomarrow i will find out.

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. Mediatakeout has reported that
  • Mediatakeout has reported that

  • 124151155
    Apr 12, 05:46 AM
    it's a shame seeing all these negative attitudes concerning the iPhone 5. stating that only because of 3-5 month delay people switching to Android. Also others stating that the iPhone currently is antiquated and doesn't measure up to the competition.

    I know for myself that since purchasing my first and only Apple product in October 2009 a iPhone 3GS I am looking forward to converting to an 27" iMac from a 6 year old Dell Dimension E510 desktop as well as upgrading my iPhone 3GS no matter how long it may take for the iPhone 5 to come out due to my experience with my iPhone 3GS being nothing but stellar telling me that whatever how long the wait it will be worth it.

    I only wish that after purchasing the iPhone 5 and 27" iMac this year I can still afford an iPad2 and not have to wait till the iPad3 since currently I don't even own an iPad1.

    It sure is, but when people get used to regular product cycles they then have expectations.

    I gave up on Apple when they never released the iPhone 4 in White. Having waited so long and no answers I gave up entirely on buying an iPhone and got myself an HTC Desire. Surprisingly (to myself at least) I really like it. I didn't like the stock ROM so I flashed it with MIUI-Au which made it more iOS-like.

    Now I'll wait for the iPhone 5. If it doesn't come out immediately in white I'll get it in Black to avoid a repeat.

    Oh, and I see you like the bold button. I prefer italics but I'd rather fit in.

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. his ex-girlfriend admitted
  • his ex-girlfriend admitted

  • bibbz
    Jun 14, 06:26 PM
    My Radio Shack Manager knows nothing about PIN numbers and is opening at normal 9AM tomorrow. Says he still doesn't know exactly how the pre-orders will be conducted. Hasn't heard from corporate yet. Still in the dark he says. :confused:

    The company call was at 3:30pm cst, then my DM held a call with us at 5pm cst. No reason he shouldn't have the info.

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. Derrick Rose
  • Derrick Rose

  • Steviejobz
    Apr 8, 06:08 AM
    The only reason I can think of (and I know nothing down these lines) is to push more revenue into this quarter (the last quarter just ended March 31st). Perhaps BB made their number for the quarter from Jan 1 to Mar 31 and want to get a running start on this current one.

    BBY announced earnings on 3/24 - they operate on a different fiscal year so the quarter ended in February.

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. Derrick Rose
  • Derrick Rose

  • Prom1
    Aug 6, 03:28 AM
    My Predictions:

    Mac Pro:
    -Fastest pro Mac ever shipped
    -Hard drives, BTO 750gb, perpendicular recording
    -New displays with HDMI, iSight & IR, even brighter
    -Wireless-WiMax or 802.11n-whatever's ready first, otherwise BT 2.0+EDR, AE
    -Multiple graphics card in a SLI/Crossfire like mode for extremely powerful graphics and stereo 3D, Quadro FX5500 and maybe also first Mac to be supported by the new Quadro Plex. 256MB std, 512MB BTO
    -HD Audio

    Isight on displays built-in but I only want that with higher resolution with Auto Focus ability.

    > New displays with a thinner bezel around the LCD; higher contrast ratio 1200:1 minimum; denser pixel count, DLP technology with LEDs or with Zenon technology for the DLP; but more richer BLACK!

    > BTO Bluetooth 2.0+EDR has been on the PowerBooks for at least 2 generations & on the MB+MBP!

    > WiMax although sweet its long away; HUGE battery gobbler. 2 years minimum.

    > I'd love for the MacBookPRO lineup to be more PRO with DUAL HDD configuration but without creating more heat.

    > THe MBP should be equal in computing & graphical performance as the cheapest MacPro!

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. 20110504-derrick-rose-mvp
  • 20110504-derrick-rose-mvp

  • Durendal
    Apr 5, 07:16 PM
    YES!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyqUj3PGHv4)


    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. his ex-girlfriend Rihanna,
  • his ex-girlfriend Rihanna,

  • Homy
    Jul 20, 11:44 AM
    eight cores + Tiger = Octopussy?!?:p

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. Bulls guard Derrick Rose
  • Bulls guard Derrick Rose

  • Multimedia
    Aug 26, 08:11 PM
    My expectations for the next generation 17" MacBook Pro:

    2.33 Core 2 Duo
    Better GPU
    160gig HD
    Higher quality displays. No more of this uneven backlighting crap.

    My hopes:
    Longer battery life
    Get the power adaptor below 70 watts so we can use them on planes
    Lower price

    Hell, I'm buying whatever comes next. I just hope there are some solid spec bumps across the board.

    And most importantly, I hope Apple fixes the crappy quality issues that have been plaguing their portable line all year.I agree. But I refuse to buy any "So-Called" MacBook Pro until they have implemented the easy access HD professional feature they put in the MacBook. I would rather buy a C2D MacBook with that feature than ever buy a MBP without it. :mad:Post #81 Apple has, on occasion, introduced new or upgraded features on its consumer computers when those computers were refreshed between refresh cycles of their professional computers. For example, at one time, the iMac had a faster SuperDrive than the Power Mac. Of course, with the next refresh of the pro computers, the new/upgraded features seen previously in the consumer products have always been added.Good to remember. Thanks. Hope it's the rule this time as well.

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. against his girlfriend.
  • against his girlfriend.

  • bigandy
    Jul 14, 03:52 PM
    the size and weight of the power supply makes it damn stupid to put in the top.

    top heavy is just idiotic.

    i'd love to see dual optical drive bays and the same basic design as the G5. it's a great design, so why the need for change in the first place... :rolleyes:

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. Lawrence: NBA Round 1 picks
  • Lawrence: NBA Round 1 picks

  • Ktulu
    Aug 25, 07:40 PM
    My only dealings with Apple Support was a few years ago. On Christmas day the modem on my Pismo went out. I just for a lark called to see if anyone was in and not only was someone there I was taken care of quite nicely. The next day I had a box to send it off and three days later I had it back. Not bad for a notebook that was about two weeks short of the warranty expiring.

    I'm not trying to be a wise a@@, but when did Apple make a Pismo. I do remember them, but not being made by Apple. I am sorry, I don't recall the manufactuer for them at this time.:confused:

    derrick rose girlfriend mediatakeout. wiz khalifa and amber rose
  • wiz khalifa and amber rose

  • powers74
    Apr 10, 08:39 PM
    Or make a lot of people happy. Either way everyone's going to be paying attention.


    Well, yeah, it will probably make more people happy, but it will be fun to see all the people bitching and moaning around here.

    Nov 28, 07:42 PM
    Actually, they do. They also got paid on every blank tape sold when cassettes were big. I think it is crazy for everyone to think that the music industry is greedy when it getting squeezed out of all of their revenue streams. So, Apple makes hundreds of millions off of their back on the itunes site, and a billion off of iPod sales, and they cannot share in the wealth?

    It doesn't cost the consumer any more, why wouldn't you want the people who actually make the music you are listening to get compensated?

    This debate is stale. People want something for nothing.

    If the record labels would stop forcing artist to pump out albums with ten bad songs and only one or two good ones, then maybe I would consider spending more than 15 dollars for a CD.

    I don't expect something for nothing, but I do expect quality for every dollar I spend.

    Jul 14, 05:27 PM
    Dual drive slots are cool, but the design is boring. Don't get me wrong I love my G5 powermac I was just hoping for a new or different design for the next ones...Maybe the same but square or smaller or something. Oh well it doesn't matter I'm still buying. :)

    Bill McEnaney
    Apr 30, 08:24 PM
    Doesn't mean its a good idea or helpful to the nation, but its not libel/slander if its true.
    Fair enough, but I think many are willing to make hasty public comments about others. On Chopped, a program on the Food Network, a judge accused a competitor of lying when the competitor said that before the show, he had already used an ingredient that he used incorrectly on the program. Maybe the contestant's other dish came out poorly when he first used that ingredient. I've written some programs in IBM 370 assembly language. So I've that language. But I've forgotten what I learned about it.

    On other message board some posters accused others of homophobia, sounding as though they couldn't have cared less about whether or how much they harmed the reputations of the accused. On other boards, some posters accused me of homophobia, too. Unfortunately, I doubt that the accuser even wonder whether it would have been better to send me a private message instead.

    I know that some people here believe that I'm too socially conservative. Although they may be right, I prefer too much caution to too little caution.

    To their credit, everyone here has treated me politely, even when I've said things that offended them. Compared to posters I've met at some other boards, people here, including Lee Kohler, control themselves admirably. But if I, and I do mean I, calumniate someone politely publicly, privately, or both, polite wording doesn't make up for the harm I do to the calumniated person's reputation.
    But its clear what you are implying
    I didn't intend to imply anything.

    Apr 27, 10:03 AM
    And how close do you have to be before a wifi is logged? they reach what, 10-100meters? Take the log and triangulate the cell towers, since your properly most at work or at home, those two places will stand out in the data.

    No they won't stand out in the data, because each cell tower or Wi-Fi hotspot is only included once in the database. And there is no information regarding how much time you spend in each location.

    k2k koos
    Nov 28, 07:11 PM
    What on earth are these people at music studio's thinking!!! Did they get royalties for every stereo sold? NO, so neither should they get anything for iPod or any hardware sales. Only for the products THEY supply, should they get money, being the music and movies/ video's, in other words the content.
    This is typical behaviour of music studio's and I sincerely hope that Apple will not budge, nor should any other company. Of course MS is eager to pay as they need their Zune to succeed, and Universal is riding along for a slice of the pie, but who will loose out in the end is the consumer, as these royalties are eventually going to get calculated such that we will pay them......
    We should all start protesting all record companies to clean up their act, in the mean time, the general consumer should to, copying of music is stealing, the prices on iTunes are fair and reasonable, so lets be nice and buy them properly, and the record companies can then make sure there is more for us to buy (some real refreshing new music would be nice, instead of all this "X factor, American idol, etc etc manufactured stuff....) , and not just fill their pockets as they are trying to do all the time

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